I decided to keep a little blog of my adventure in learning Unreal Engine. My self and a colleague of mine are learning this engine through the process of making a game.
Newer content will be on top.
Progress SO far
Basic IK leg offset
Aim offset only working while aiming
Aim offset using blend space
Hard coded aim offset
Equipping a bow with blue print
Placing a bow
Full Player Motion
Walk, Run & Crouch
Player has the ability to walk, run with the press of shift, and crouch with Ctrl.
AimingBow animation montage
mouse press down, character draws bow
if shift is pressed, character overcharges bow
mouse release, character shoots bow
Splitting upper and lower body animations
Changing character speeds according to different animation states.
Noticeable when player jump and draws bow at the same time.
Bugs: when player gets out of crouch, and is still aiming, the character speed is changed to walking speed instead of drawn speed.